Wednesday, December 30, 2009


... should my representative in Congress, the Honorable Bart Stupak, D-Menominee, cast any vote but "Nay" when the present healthcare "reform" legislation is considered by the House / Senate Conference Committee.

This legislation is immoral and unconstitutional. Its passage without extensive modification will harm and offend his district and the entire nation. There are many reasons, but I will cite only three:

Bart has written to me on a number of occasions, and stated publicly, that Medicare Advantage is an "unjust" system, because it uses Federal funds, taken from everyone, to provide special benefits for only a few. He now knows, along with the rest of us, that one state (Florida) has been awarded the right to maintain that "unjust" system, even though Federal funding for it is being withdrawn from the national Medicare system.

As a result, Rep. Stupak's retired constituents will lose (or be forced to pay more for) their Medicare Advantage coverage, and then they will be taxed to pay for the "unjust" benefits enjoyed by their peers in the Sunshine State. That is insult and injustice combined. How can Bart vote other than "Nay"?

The same can be said of the sweetheart deal given to the state of Nebraska: the cost of adding citizens to the Medicaid rolls in that state under the provisions of this legislation will be borne not by Nebraska, but by the constituents of Michigans First Congressional district, and the citizens of every state except Nebraska. That is another unconstitutional injustice.

Also, this legislation will authorize the use of federal funds to underwrite the killing of unborn children, and it will deny the free exercise of conscience by people and institutions of faith. We who have admired and applauded Rep. Stupak's courage and steadfastness on this issue now call on him to speak and act with effect as never before.

The tradition of John Lamb and Isaiah Wool demands that when the representative will not act, citizens must: "Governments derive their just power from the consent of governed..."

When government begins to wield power unjustly, the governed will respond. It has happened once; it will happen again.

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